
Find peace of mind, knowing that your child will choose a rewarding career that suits who they are.

If you are like many parents, looking ahead to your child’s life after high school can be stressful. You want to make sure they’re making a wise choice for their future. At the Career Choice Institute, it’s our endeavor to help your child understand who they are so they can know where they’re going and what they should do. We help high schoolers understand their strengths, aptitudes, and who they are as people, so we can support them in finding the right path for an occupation or role that best suits their natural talents, so that they may enjoy and excel in their careers maximizing their natural abilities.

the numbers

Having parented two girls, I can understand the anxiety it creates watching them transition into adulthood. A major part of this is their choice and path to their life’s career. Having come from a trade and understanding that education specific to a skill that is focused on a career is exceedingly valued. Studying 16th century Italian history my be enjoyable but leads to few if any jobs, possibly the next professor of 16th century Italian history. 

My two girls graduated with a skill, one in Film and TV production, the other a nurse. Both are good at what they do, enjoy their work and are compensated according to their contribution. Each has a job for life if they wish due to the foundational skills from their formal education.

This passage from high school to career is just that, a passage not a goal. I saw many of our childhood friend’s parents thankful that their child was accepted into a college only to have them graduate with a non-valued degree. Some even repeating College to acquire a four-year degree that provided a skill that was sort after by the job market.

This is not to say your child should not attend college, the message is you child’s post high school education should in preparation for a career, not a party. It is an expensive tailgate at the games, joining a sorority or having an Alma Mater. How many of you are in a job that utilizes what you learned in your four-year degree? How much debt did you rack up in college?

My kids went to college as yours should if it fits. A good Accountant will earn more than a mediocre plumber and a good plumber will earn more than a mediocre accountant, and we all need plumbers!